Monday, May 4, 2009

Green weekend

T'was a long weekend and I attended the 'Pachamama' Symposium so kindly organised by the Eco Warriors. Before you say 'patch whurt?', it's native language for 'Mother Earth' for the people of Andes. The symposium was designed to 'open the floodgates of environmental awareness as well as providing empowerment to its attendees'. It was a cross between Al Gore and Asiaworks if you ask me. It's not good and not bad, just how it was delivered. I think to people who have voted for Green but not know what to do, this is something which they can participate to gain that little nudge to push them forward. As for the people who may not have voted for Green entirely, I think it puts them on a mild guilt trip more than creating that positive energy for change which I'm sure was what the symposium intended to do. However, having said that it was the first trial and I think Eco Warriors did a fantastic job at that. I'm interested to see how things will evolve and what will happen when the numbers snowball and become bigger. Could this be the 'tipping point' in Malaysia? I don't know but let's see.

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