Thursday, October 30, 2008

4 Eco-Friendly Ways To Repel Mosquitoes

We know all tropical countries are filled with blood-sucking mosquitoes that are too dangerous for us. We're not safe in our own homes, let alone in the jungle.

I was browsing through the internet and i found this info on how to repel mosquitoes without having to buy mosquitoe or insect repellent. So to not let the mosquitoes make a meal out of you, here's how you can do it in 4 eco-friendly ways:

1. A citronella candle works well to cover an area. Or you can use citronella oil. The oil or the essence comes from the leaves or the stem of a type of plant from the Cymbopogon species. This plant is also known as the 'mosquitoe' plant. Unfortunately, citronella doesn't remain potent for long on human skin. So you'll need to apply the oil every 30 minutes or so.

2. Wear light-coloured clothings. Mosquitoes are attracted to dark-coloured clothings.

3. Remove or cover all standing water near your home. This will induce the varmints to breed elsewhere.

4. Remain unscented. Mosquitoes are attracted to floral smells. Do not use scented soap if you do not wish for the mosquitoes to make a meal out of you.

So here you go. Four simple ways to repel mosquitoes. You can stop buying Ridsects now...hehehe!!!

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