Tuesday, November 4, 2008

A Crude Awakening - The Oil Crash (Film by Chris Paine)

About 2 days ago, during the weekend, I went to Malaysia's first ever Eco Film Fest 2008. It was held at the National Arts Academy in KL. Well it was freaking hot when i got there. But nevertheless, the hall for movie screenings was cold as the Arctic. Then i thought to myself, omg, this is madness. The weather outside is hot as hell and the air-conditioning inside is ridiculously cold. It's not really good for the body, really.

But then again, this is Malaysia and not like anyone would give two hoots about this situation as long as they are comfortable with where they are.

The film on oil crash was an eye opener for me. I think it was an eye opener for the rest of the audience as well. We were so enthused by the commentaries made by the people whom the film director interviewed. And mind you, these are former politicians who served the Bush Sr. administration, Reagan administration and Carter administration. They had points of view that will blow your mind away. And they even had information that will make you want to run for President of the United States just so you could stop the oil crisis.

Americans are addicted to oil. It's sad to know that they produce only 2% of the worldwide oil production but they use 25% of the world's oil reserves. And the figures will continue to rise if whoever's at the administration this year don't put a stop to this oil blunder.

In 1977, Americans used over 8 million barrels of oil per day. In 2000, the barrels now amount to more than 13 million a day. The oil economy will continue to peak and according to Hubbert's theory it happens every 20 years or so. And when it does happen again, there might not be anymore reserves left for us to dig.

It took the Earth 150-200 million years to naturally produce crude oil, and it took humans 200 years to use up almost all of it. I don't think we can afford to wait any longer until the last reserve is discovered. Our grandchildren might not even get a chance to ride an airplane because by then, cars and airplanes will be rides for the elites.

It's really depressing sometimes to know that these big fat capitalists are the ones who have to power to change everything. Unfortunately, greed is all they have in their hearts. Too bad for the rest of us, only a crude awakening will knock them hard in their heads. By then, hopefully all is not too late. Because I believe that human creativity will prevail because we're all inventors. I believe another kind of 'oil' will be contrived for our industries. And i do hope it's friendly for the earth.

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