Friday, August 15, 2008

Books on eco-living.

I was surfing the e-commerce site of a local reputable bookstore today and I realised that they don't have a category for eco-living/sustainable living/ethical living. I wonder if it is about time, we do?

We do have a lot of publications on different lifestyle preference - for those who love to travel, for those who are looking for some self-improvement points, for those who are decorating their new home, for those who are interested in pursuing arts and crafts, for those ... and the list goes on. How about one on how to live 'right' today? Not to be mistaken as a book of moral values, but something which provides a guideline on how to live 'responsibly'. There are books which are available now, mostly in the UK and developed countries...

Green technologies only available in developed nations, I can understand. But books?

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