Monday, August 18, 2008

Eco Knights

We did an interview with Yasmin of Eco Knights last week. Eco Knights is a socio environment organization and they started 2 years ago because of demands on more programs in saving the environment. She started Eco Knights from scratch and the funds all came from her at the very beginning stage. She is really one big environment enthusiast! So much passion and energy! They only have 3 full time people working and the rest are volunteers. Yasmin’s background is in environmental science and she had been working with places like WWF and she’s a technical person.

Their upcoming event which is the Eco Film Feast will be held on 1st and 2nd November, at the National Art Academy. This event is first of its kind in Malaysia. They will be showcasing foreign environmental films and of course the 6 finalists of Eco Film Feast. There will also be companies showcasing their green technology and there will be some cool artist like Mia Palencia and One Buck Short performing that night. This will be a whole day event. For more information, you can check it out at

I have learned that people in developed countries are more concern about the environment as compared to people in developing countries. This is because, for people living in developing countries, their priority is different. They care more about their financial status, being able to buy a home, a car and when they get older, they might start thinking about reducing their carbon footprint and treating mother earth better. That is also why, here in Malaysia, people who are at their 40’s tend to care more about the environment. These are the group of people who will learn how to make garbage enzymes, eat organic and recycle. The younger generation is more concern in how much money they make and if they are able to put food on the table for the family, making sure that they can afford to send their kids to the best college in town. There is nothing wrong about this; I think this is just a phase that everyone of us has to go through. My little advice is, you might not be a “green” person that picks up everything you see on the street and recycle them, but, I think everyone can help reduce waste. Don’t simple throw things away. Give it to the needy instead of throwing them straight into the bin. AND minimalism is the KEY.
On the bright side, I found out that there are certain kindergartens here that are starting to teach kids on how to take care of the environment. They actually teach kids how to plant organic plants. We are trying to go to these schools and see what these kids do and if that happens, we will definitely share it here.

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